
Look at the ways Robbins and Company fixes common foundation problems.
Robbins & Co. provides

Professional, local foundation repair and drainage service solutions for homeowners in the Greater Seattle Area.

A common technique for building and repairing home foundations in the Greater Seattle Area is post and pier construction. This method allows for quick and efficient work, helping you save money on your project.

This type of construction is used when there is insufficient perimeter foundation or foundation pad. In post and pier construction, the weight of the home is distributed across a series of posts installed beneath it and anchored to piers—wedge-shaped concrete blocks that help distribute the weight evenly across the ground. Typically, posts and piers are placed around the perimeter and at key points in the center of the home to prevent sagging in the floors and the rest of the structure.

Due to the nature of this construction, homes built using this method typically do not have basements, as it elevates the house off the ground.

It’s common to use cladding or facing between the ground and the floor of the home to prevent exposure of the underside. However, in some regions, this area may be left open.

Serving The Pacific Northwest since 1952

We are so confident you will be happy with our work that in most cases we require no payment until the work is completed.

Building Resilience

In areas where flooding is common, post and pier construction can significantly reduce flood damage by elevating the house above potential water levels. This method is also suitable for areas prone to subsidence; if you have a perimeter or slab foundation and are concerned about issues like cracking, individual posts and piers can be easily jacked up and replaced as needed.

Additionally, this construction technique helps keep insects out and minimizes mold, mildew, and rot by promoting air circulation beneath the house and lifting it out of reach of pests. This is especially beneficial in the wet, rainy climate of the Puget Sound region, including areas like Seattle, Everett, Bellevue, and Tacoma.

Understanding the Risks of Post and Pier Foundations

The primary concern with post and pier construction is that if posts or piers begin to fail, it can pose significant risks. In perimeter and slab foundations, the weight is distributed evenly, so even minor cracks or failures may not present an immediate safety threat. However, in post and pier homes, the weight is concentrated on specific points. If a post or pier breaks, rots, or shifts, that section of the house may begin to sag. In severe cases, the weight shifting can lead to cracks or even structural failure, causing the house to split apart.

Interested in new construction piers? Visit more information HERE.


Serving the Pacific Northwest since 1952…72 YEARS. Contact us for free estimate.

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